
LCNB National Bank Contributions Program


LCNB National Bank strives to ensure the strength and vitality of our communities through our charitable contributions program. We seek to build strong partnerships and lasting value in our communities by supporting organizations that:

  • Improve educational and economic opportunities of low and moderate-income individuals and families
  • Enhance the cultural and artistic life of the communities in which we live and work by supporting organizations that provide cultural and artistic opportunities to all our citizens regardless of race, religion, or income level

Funding Priorities 

Our charitable giving is focused primarily on organizations that provide meaningful programs that benefit people within LCNB's market area. LCNB is committed to working in partnership with our employees to strengthen our communities. We consider employee involvement in evaluating contribution requests, and we support volunteer involvement by our employees in our communities. The following is a listing of our priorities for funding:

  • Affordable housing for low/moderate income individuals and families
  • Community services targeted to low/moderate income individuals
  • To support through United Way those organizations that meet the health and human service needs of our communities
  • Arts and cultural organizations that make a contribution to the overall quality of life in our communities
  • Educational programs that address the needs of low/moderate income individuals or teach financial subjects such as good savings and credit practices
Eligibility of Grants

Only those organizations to which the IRS has granted 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status are eligible for funding. In general, we prefer to fund specific programs rather than capital projects, equipment or general operating expenses.

LCNB does not make grants to the following:

  • Organizations that are not tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) 3
  • Individuals
  • "Pass Through" organizations or private foundations
  • Organizations outside LCNB communities
  • Political candidates
  • Religious organizations (unless they are engaged in a significant program benefiting the entire community)
  • Team Sponsorship (except employee teams)
  • Organizations not open to the general public
Grant Size

The minimum grant amount is $250.00. We will not make multiple-year commitments, but we will accept grant applications annually from any eligible organization.

Applying for a Grant

Our charitable giving is administered through the Warren County Foundation Depository. Grant applications may be obtained at any LCNB location, downloaded from our web site, or directly through the Warren County Foundation. We will make every attempt to answer requests by the end of the month following the month of the application. Please submit all applications to the Warren County Foundation at the following address:

LCNB Charitable Grant Fund
c/o Warren County Foundation
118 E. Main Street P.O. Box 495 Lebanon, Ohio 45036

(513) 934-1001

 LCNB National Bank Grant Application Form

LCNB National Bank (“Financial Institution”) provides referrals to financial professionals of LPL Financial LLC (“LPL”) pursuant to an agreement that allows LPL to pay the Financial Institution for these referrals. This creates an incentive for the Financial Institution to make these referrals, resulting in a conflict of interest. The Financial Institution is not a current client of LPL for brokerage or advisory services.

Please visit for more detailed information.

LPL Financial Form CRS